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Ted Talks, I Walks

Taking a break from painting this mural at the Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cincinnati, I ventured to somewhere very near and dear to me. Although it was unfathomably hot, I was so humbled to experience a live Ted Talk here in Louisville Kentucky. I loved every bit of it, from the many artist featuring their unique, innovative and intuitive art outside of the talks to all of the lovely speakers! I have a special person I was there to pay visit to... my sister Alex Serpentini! An incredible artist who has added to the creative collection with the thought provoking mix of social art and virtual reality through this unique social practice art. Alex is a_serpent on Instagram if your interested in following more of her awesome work!

Most people have tangible art like on a canvas or wall, but this art is extraordinarily helpful to society for Alex’s art is people! Alex dives deep into the understandings of what it is to coexist on this planet and go into deep comparison of a mindset of one being to another. Alex’s podcast ‘Imagining Other People’ is one of the most interesting I’ve ever listened to. On it, strangers share something honest about their day, and Alex has other strangers read them. Basically Alex loves to listen and share peoples stories in creative ways!

However at this Ted talk Alex displayed an Augmented Reality project called ‘Almost Something’ (AR) and debuted a Virtual Reality project called [ And you’re there, too. ] (VR). The augmented reality can be best understood through this link for a definition would be lengthy. I just want to let you all know that BOTH BLEW MY MIND! The second project in VR takes you deep into outer space where asteroids gently pass you by and you can look any direction you want! There is a huge stellar Milky Way of sorts stars gathering that you slowly go right through! The audio of the experience plays subtle calming music while playing strangers wildest dreams coming true. A truly marvelous concept! If you want to know more check out Alex’s awesome website and get lost for hours...or not whatever you choose at

I was also brought there for I feel deep within my bones that I am to one day do a Ted Talk as well. One about walking in the light of Spirit, embodying fluidity and experiencing the magic of a life of service to others. Inspiring and awakening them to their truest potentials! So to start, I got a program for the event and put my index finger on it to show me who I am to focus on during today. Immediately my hand went directly down to two of them. Oremeyi Kareem and Darrick Woods. Easy enough, so I end up hearing Oremeyi first. A beautiful women born in Nigeria with the intention of doing big things in this world. She was talking about following your divine uniqueness and not letting fear get to us. A BEAUTIFUL example she had said was one that really resonated deeply with me. She was sayin that most people want their parachute to open before they jump just so they know it works and that they will be safe. But life does not work like this. In order for the parachute not to harm you and fulfill its purpose, you must first jump into the unknown. All of us have something unique that we can bring into this world, and therefore should have no fear of comparison because nobody can do us like we can! She first got married upon moving to the United States. Following the guidance of others, not her intuition, she did what she was told and went to school for nursing for she would be “stable” and always have a job anywhere in the world. But her heart told her to begin a magazine. Her family was not too supportive, replying “Oprah starts magazines, not you”. She realized the value of internal guidance and that it would not give her something that she would fail at, and she replied with “ well Oprah had to start somewhere”. Immediately she took to social media and posted about this magazine to promote accountability to herself so she would not back out. Through many times of being denied loans and other things, she stayed centered in prayer and found the funds to start the first issue! She now successfully runs VOME’ magazine as the CEO & Editor-in-Chief!

After her TED talk I knew I had to talk to her. My heart told me that I embodied what she wrote about in her magazines. Divinely I didn’t even have to approach her, she approached me thinking I was someone else. I was blunt and said something along the lines of I’m on a mission to spread love and light all over the world and I believe we are to collaborate on doing so and bring something for others to believe in! Loving my enthusiasm she gave me her card to reach out! The next man Darrick was up. He talked of curiosity being the driver of deeper life purpose. He owns a radio show called WXOX 97.1fm on Sunday at 5-6pm ET Cale’s ‘Inside A Question”. I let him know of my intuitively guided tour and he loved the ideas that began to snowball into his subconscious! He gave me his card with the assurance that I would be on his show!

Divinely guided every step of the way for I let go and had immense faith that I would be caught, supported and mentored every step of the way. I love this life. Remember not to compare your step 6 to someone elses 36....comparison - can prison. We all go at our souls own pace. With Infinite love & Light, The Universe through Jordan

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currently in Boulder Colorado



Jordan Serpentini


FB: Stella Lumina Music 





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