Reiki Master Healer, Musician, Muralist, Humanitarian & Professional Skateboarder
Founder of Heal Yourself Reiki Academy

My groove is timeless because it's rooted in love. My heart fly's free within the rhythms of sound as I let myself feel the groove and leave the ground.
I am a multi-instrumentalist live looping improve artist. I traverse a multitude of genres finding new ways to get everyone dancing together. Although my music is high energy and feel good, my lyrics have a depth to match my soul that is rooting for our human race. I believe in us, I believe in love. With my full band, I am Stella Lumina & The Galaxy Makers. Album number 2 of a Trilogy album series is underway called IllumiNations.
A 2023 world tour will be announced in spring with special guest artists.

Paige Stanton Photography

2022 IllumiNations World Tour

Supporting this mission to be the good I want to see.

If my passion for creating a more loving and equal world inspire you and you'd like to lift me up even more, I'm forever grateful to receive donations towards my next album. I rely on community for me to be able to continue my blessings to create this more loving world. Prayers for my highest good are also greatly appreciated.

Click the PDF link above to see all the magic of the Murals & Music tour that took place, all documented by blog posts and divine timing!
Summer 2021 New Age Voyager and I embarked on a journey across America to inspire, heal and expand ourselves to better serve the world's ascension. We did just that and then some. Following spirit, 6 planned shows turned in to 17. Multiple large festivals like Rekinection, Rejuvination, and Manifest Station festival. We couldn't be more grateful as we continue on this Magic Carpet Ride of a musical journey to inspire. Sky is the limit, as we continue in service with no ceiling set as we aim to awaken and inspire the masses through our musical medicine.
Music & Murals Tour 2018 Urning for something different, and fearless to act on the divine inspiration I received in meditation. I set out on a completely heart guided journey in 2018 with no plans but to follow the wind as it took me on a mission much bigger than myself. I painted 6 murals across the country and played 6 organized shows. Every since then, I have let creator guide my career and every move to help bring forth a more loving world.
Music Videos, Freestyles & Guided Meditations
Road Trip to Nowhere
Welcome to my road trip to nowhere, an intentional journey of living in the flow turned music video.
The Path
The Path, a malagueña cover that speaks the truth through a journey into nature. Filmed by Benjamin Gugick of 11th Story Media
I Wanna Go Home
Painted live for #VoiceofCLE in public square downtown Cleveland Ohio
Magic Carpet Ride
Mural Music Video and Beyond!!
New Beginnings Meditation
A powerful tool of transformation
Global Prayer - Jordan Serpentini
The time is HERE, the time is NOW
Gaia My Fiah
My passion to give respect to Gaia
A Stripper's Perspective - Stella Lumina a.k.a. Jordan Serpentini
About Subtitle
The Road Trip to Nowhere - Jordan Serpentini feat. Jenn Soto
Simplicity, it embodies you and me when we know the destination of life is the journey! Enjoy our creativity!
Creators Way - Divine Free Flow
View Now
The Spice of Life - Divine Free Flow - Jordan Serpentini
Being in the flow of things, and always supported in all wonderful ways by the universe is my favorite part of life!
Whatever You Like - Divine style cover - Jordan Serpentini
but baby theres just more to this life!
The Reason - Divine Free Flow - Jordan Serpentini
A life altering trip to Vietnam and Cambodia
Each New Path
It is never to late to being a completely new chapter of your life, where it B lines into the unexpected, or to that thing you’ve always wondered about doing but talked yourself out of thinking Jt couldn’t possibly work. Let fluidity overcome and enjoy what comes through you! Each new path I grow, find myself more mind, body and soul.
Ova and Unda
The path to all that we are, all that we need and all that we seek, all go to the exact same place...within. Once we all recognize this, we can see the huge shift we can make in our beloved Earth! Let’s come together, spread the word of love and change this game!
Jason Mraz -I'm Yours Cover
About Subtitle
Divine Free Flow - What are You Scared Of?
Have a Look
Live "Love Shines Brighter than Night" (Joe Culley, Kelvin Arthur, & Jordan Serpentini)
Press Play
AkronHipHop.com ft. Jordan Serpentini
Have a Look
Divine Free Flow - Ripple Affect
Press Play
Music & Murals Tour
I am embarking on a magical journey that follows my inner intuition from little town to little town in seek of painting an inspirational mural channeled from the divine focused on bringing unity and healing to all who see it! The mural will also serve as a reminder of our spiritual truths as spiritual beings having a human experience. The murals completion will represent the beginning of the live concert of my debut album "Acoustic Spirit" Sound, Light & Love, awakening the souls of many and inspiring high vibrational healing to all who hear it!
WOW, my thoughts after the tour is that I am never leaving this amazing flow of divine prosperity and love! I traveled across the entire united states from coast to coast in 4 months! Without planning a single thing, other than setting verbal intentions to the universe to "Alwas be provided with everything that I need as I need it" and to "be fullfilled in all beautiful, postive and creative ways" SO MUCH MORE THAN I COULD EVER IMAGINE HAPPEND! All of which was documented along the way in my blogs!
I painted six murals in different states,
I performed five concerts, and innumerable smaller shows,
I was featured in two magazines
And I got to cohost a radio show!
Not to mention I had attuned 12 people with the gift of reiki healing to heal themseves and their families!
From here on out, ive forever lost my mind in order to follow my heart